
User Agreement

Doctor: Refers to persons who register as a Doctor in the Application within the scope of the Agreement with Integro Health. 

Member: Refers to persons who are registered as patients in the Application within the scope of the Agreement with Integro Health.

Application: Refers to the website, mobile applications and mobile site with the name of Integro Health, the ownership of which belongs to Integro Health and on which IntegroHealth offers the services specified in the Agreement.


        1. In order to obtain membership status, this Agreement must be approved and the information requested on the membership page must be filled with accurate and up-to-date information. The user who wants to become a member must be over the age of 18 (eighteen).

        2. The Member declares and undertakes that the personal and other information provided while becoming a Member of the Application is true and that IntegroHealth will compensate all damages that IntegroHealth may incur due to the untruthfulness of this information.

        3. In the event that there is a dispute about the person to whom the membership rights and obligations belong and if such persons make a request from IntegroHealth in this regard, IntegroHealth will accept that the last person who carried out any transaction using the relevant membership account is the owner of the membership account and will act accordingly.

        4. The right to use the password received by the Member from the Application belongs exclusively to the Member. The Member may not give this password to any third party. All legal and criminal liability regarding the use of the password belongs to the Member.

      1. The Member accepts and undertakes to comply with all provisions of the legal legislation while using the Application and not to violate such provisions. The Member may not use the Application in any way that disrupts public order, violates public morality, disturbs and harasses others, infringes the intellectual and copyright rights of others and for any purpose contrary to the law. Otherwise, the Member shall be fully and exclusively responsible for all legal and criminal liabilities that may arise.

      2. The Member shall not use the Application in the following manner:

  1. Use of the Application to create, control, update or modify databases, records or directories on behalf of any third party;
  2. Use of the Application in whole or in part for the purpose of disrupting, modifying or reverse engineering;
  3. Making transactions using false information or another person’s information, creating unreal membership accounts by using false or misleading personal data, including false or misleading residence address, e-mail address, contact, payment or account information, and using these accounts in violation of the Agreement or applicable legislation, using another Member’s account without permission, becoming a party or participant in transactions by impersonating another person or under a false name;
  4. Using the commenting and scoring systems for purposes other than the Application, such as publishing comments in the Application outside the Application, or for purposes other than manipulating the systems;
  5. Spread of viruses or any other technology that damages the Application, the database of the Application, any content on the Application;
  6. Collecting any information about the members, including e-mail addresses, contact addresses, without the consent of the relevant persons or engaging in other practices that would constitute a violation in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data;
  7. Engaging in activities that will create unreasonable or disproportionately large loads on the communications and technical systems determined by the Application or damage the technical functioning, using “screen scraping” software or systems such as automatic programs, robots, web crawlers, spiders, data mining and data crawling on the Application without the prior written permission of IntegroHealth, and copying, publishing or using all or part of any content in the Application in this way without permission;
  8. Using the Application for purposes other than its intended purpose, in a manner that constitutes any offense and/or in a manner that constitutes collusion;
  9. Unauthorized access to third parties’ information and software.
  1. The ideas and thoughts and expressions declared, written and used by the Members in the Application are exclusively the personal ideas and comments of the Members and the Member is solely responsible for the results of these ideas and comments. These opinions and thoughts have nothing to do with and have no connection with IntegroHealth. IntegroHealth shall not be liable for any damages that may be incurred by third parties or institutions due to the ideas and opinions to be declared by the Member or any damages that may be incurred by the Member due to the ideas and opinions to be declared by third parties or institutions.

  2. Members are required to complete the identity verification process through the Application in order to benefit from remote health services. Members are obliged to show their official identity documents to the healthcare professional for identity verification purposes upon the request of the healthcare professional.  If the identity verification processes are not completed, the provision of remote healthcare services may be interrupted or terminated.

  3. Members receiving remote healthcare services are obliged to provide the healthcare professional with the requested information about their medical history and health status in an accurate, understandable and detailed manner.

  4. In the event that there is a third person who can see and/or hear the conversation with the healthcare professional in the Member’s environment during the remote healthcare service provision, the Member is obliged to notify the healthcare professional of this situation.


The Member’s membership registration shall be realized upon the Member’s reading and acceptance of all articles in this Agreement. This Agreement is concluded and entered into force as soon as the Member becomes a member.